Saturday, September 1, 2012

Geography of the Philippines by: Arianna Sietereales

The Philippines has 7,107 island which compromises its beautiful archipelago. It  is located southeast of Asia surrounded by the Pacific ocean, Celebes sea, Indonesia, Malaysia and much more. The Philippines is divided into three major island; Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. There are many land forms such as mountains, volcanoes, flat lands, beach areas, a few plateaus and more. There are also many waters forms in the country such as lakes, seas, straights, waterfalls and much more.

Due to its geographical location, the Philippines experiences many natural phenomenons like storms, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. The country lies in the pacific ring of fire where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes frequently happen. Heavy storms also come because of the southwest and northeast monsoons. Because of these heavy rains, floods and mudslides frequently occurs. Occasional tsunamis also occur when a strong earthquake shakes. 

Geography can affect the way of life of the Filipinos in terms of work, supply, transportation and the like.Work is affected because people choose jobs that would fit they're geographical setting. For example, a man that lives in a plain would not choose a job as a fishermen because it does not fit they're setting, so he chooses a job as a farmer. The climate and weather is also affected by geography. People must do with the food that fits they're geography too. People who live in coastal areas would get most of they're food supply from the sea, lake or the bodies of water around them. In general, geography can deeply affect the lives of the Filipinos.

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